Some Homeopathic Teething Products Unsafe for Children

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has released a statement that laboratory results have confirmed that certain homeopathic teething tablets contain dangerous amounts of belladonna – a toxic substance. If you have given your child homeopathic tablet or product, then it is critical that you check the label and check for dangerous ingredients.

Why are These Homeopathic Teething Products Unsafe?

Certain homeopathic teething tablets contain unsafe levels of a chemical called belladonna – which can cause seizures, difficulty breathing, lethargy, excessive sleepiness, muscle weakness, skin flushing, constipation, difficulty urinating, or agitation. To make matters worse, some homeopathic teething remedies misrepresent the amounts of belladonna in their products. Ingesting an unknown amount of an unsafe substance is dangerous, and can have costly consequences.

It’s Important to Remember:

Homeopathic teething products are untested and have not been fully evaluated by the FDA. This means that the FDA has not studied the effectiveness of homeopathic teething products, which calls into question their efficacy.

The bottom line is that you should check the label of any product you decide to give your child. If it contains any amount of belladonna, then discontinue using it completely. Before using any teething remedy or over-the-counter teething solution, consult your child’s pediatric dentist.

Help with Teething Pain

Your child will begin teething somewhere around 9 – 12 months in age, and they will experience quite a bit of discomfort. However, there are ways to combat discomfort caused by teething. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends that you consult with your child’s oral care provider to discuss potential remedies for teething.

The AAPD also advises that you establish a dental home for your child before their first birthday. If your child doesn’t have a pediatric dentist, you can find one in your community with our pediatric dentist locator tool.

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