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Dr. Seely has been in practice in Lewisville since 1982. He has a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Texas Dental School in Houston. He received his Masters degree in Pediatric Dentistry from Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas. Dr. Seely is a Diplomat of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry - a status achieved by only a small percentage of pediatric dentists. He received his hospital training at Texas Scottish Rite and Children's Medical Center of Dallas where he is an active staff member. He is an active member of the Denton County Dental Society, the Texas Dental Society, the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. He and his wife have a daughter and a son and live in Highland Village. Dr. Seely enjoys fishing and snow skiing. |
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: | 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Randy G. Seely DDS, MS 326 Edmonds 101 Lewisville, TX, 75067 Phone: 972-436-9121 Fax: 972-436-7639 randyseelydds@verizon.net |
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